Achieve a more lifted and youthful appearance of the eyebrows for a naturally youthful and revitalized look.

How does the Botox brow lift work?

Botox relaxes muscles. In select patients, it may lift the eyebrows by relaxing the muscles that hold them down. Look at the colored arrows on the anatomy illustration. The red arrows and purple arrows show how the muscles pull. For the forehead, we have the red team (frontalis muscles). For areas surrounding the eyes, we have the purple team (orbicularis oculi muscles).

Even when you are relaxed, your facial muscles may be in a mild state of tension or contraction. We call this muscle tone. The red team and the purple team play a constant game of tug-of-war with your outer brows. If we weaken the purple team, by injecting Botox into the orbicularis oculi muscles where the purple arrows are, it would allow the red team to lift the eyebrows. This is what we call a “lateral brow lift.”

Many people assume that injecting Botox where the red arrows are would lift the brows. On the contrary, that would weaken the forehead muscles and possibly droop the brows if injected too low.

Can either my outer or inner eyebrows be lifted?

Yes, but this also depends on the your anatomy, muscle tone, and strength.

When it comes to a brow lift, Botox is commonly injected into the muscles that pull the eyebrows downward. By inhibiting the activity of these muscles, the brow is gently lifted, resulting in a more elevated and youthful appearance. In the photo, the lateral (outer) eyebrows were lifted.

If select frown muscles are treated with Botox, the medial (inner) eyebrows may be lifted.

This is a relatively simple and inexpensive procedure.

In both left (before Botox) and right photos (2 weeks later), the patient is in her relaxed state. Notice how her skin creases around the eye also improved.


Q: Does the Botox brow lift work for everyone?

No. If you have weak forehead muscles (frontalis muscles), results will be minimal to none.

Q: Will this treatment make me have “Spock” eyebrows or make me look evil?

No. This treatment is not to be confused with inner eyebrow ptosis (drooping) from Botox placed in less favorable areas above the eyebrows.

Q: How many units of Botox for a brow lift?

Typically, 4-8 units per side for an outer brow lift, and around 12 units per side for an inner brow lift.

Q: Does Botox treatment for crow’s feet lines raise the brows?

It can, depending on where it is injected. If placed near the outer brow in an area where the muscle contracts and creases the skin, and if the forehead has decent muscle tone, then yes.

Q: Can other neurotoxins raise the eyebrows?

All “cosmetic” botulinum neurotoxins work similarly despite their subtle nuances.

Contact us today at Lumier Medical and book your consultation with Dr. Lum. Let’s embark on a journey towards a more youthful and refreshed look.