What is PRP Treatment?

PRP stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma. PRP is prepared from a small amount of blood drawn directly from you. After blood is collected, platelets and plasma are extracted using special centrifuge systems.

Platelets contain proteins known as growth factors and cytokines that promote tissue repair. PRP has shown the ability enhance your body’s natural healing ability by using your own platelets in a more concentrated form. We basically help you heal yourself. PRP has been used in multiple branches of medicine and dentistry to promote wound healing. It follow that our intent is to promote healing from rejuvenation procedures that improve the surface quality of your skin.

Is it Safe?

We use only FDA-cleared systems and collectors! Many non-approved devices use inexpensive test tubes that are designed only for collecting blood for lab testing purposes, and could place patients at risk of serious infections if used for PRP.

We have both single-spin and double-spin PRP centrifuge systems. Collection tubes and containers are FDA-cleared for in-Vivo applications. Safety is our top priority. So we do not use vacutainer tubes, which are intended to collect blood only for lab testing purposes, and therefore not sterilized as stringently.