PDO = Polydioxanone

PDO (Polydioxanone) threads are absorbable surgical sutures made from a material so safe that they were developed and approved for heart surgery procedures. They have been useful across different specialties in medicine. For aesthetic purposes, they can temporarily reposition, provide skin support, and stimulate collagen production. When used skillfully in the right candidate, PDO threads can lift, reshape or contour the face, particularly in the jawline, jowls, and cheek areas. Dr. Michael Lum at Lumier Medical in Torrance, California has been training physicians and other health care providers about PDO threads since 2013. If you would like to see if you are a good candidate for this procedure, call to schedule an appointment and learn more.

PDO Threads are placed carefully in different directions to help reposition sagging skin.

PDO threads are made of polydioxanone, an absorbable suture material. They come in a variety of sizes and are either smooth or barbed. Smooth threads are placed just beneath the skin in patterns that can provide support for crepey skin. Barbed threads are used to reposition the skin and create lift; Dr. Lum will often use these to provide a mild cheek or jawline lift. This is a nonsurgical in-office procedure that takes about 20-30 minutes to perform.

PDO threads are completely absorbed by your body by around month 6. As your body breaks the material down, it creates collagen. Your results may last between 8 to 12 months or longer in some cases.

Dr. Lum will evaluate and discuss options with you to see if you are a good candidate for this procedure. He also wants to make sure that your expectations are realistic.

Realize that there are many things that age us over time. Taking a combination approach to address this over time makes the most sense. There is no magic bullet or one procedure that “does it all,” not even cosmetic surgery.

On the day of your in-office procedure, your face will be thoroughly cleaned and prepared. Local anesthesia will be used and the actual procedure will take only a few minutes to complete.

Confidential before and after treatment photos will be taken so that both you and the doctor can see the results.

The most common side effects may include:

  • Mild discomfort, swelling, redness or bruising
  • A tightness sensation
  • Mild sharp sensation from the lifting thread barbs
  • Occasional “ribboning” of the skin—this is temporary, of course
  • Failure to achieve the expected result. This is not a surgical facelift.

After the procedure, tiny bandages are applied over the entry sites. Elastic kinesiology tape with adhesive may be applied to relieve some of the pressure on the repositioned skin. This can be removed when you get home, though we recommend you keep it on for at least 12-24 hours if possible. Photographs will be taken before and after your procedure to evaluate results.

You should see an immediate improvement right after the procedure, but once the swelling subsides, you may continue to see improvement over 2-4 months as the PDO suture material dissolves and stimulates collagen production.

When you’re ready to learn more about this fascinating procedure, call Lumier Medical today to schedule an appointment.