Rediscover a nose that’s free from bunny lines with the transformative power of Botox, leaving you looking flawlessly refreshed.

What are Bunny Lines?

LiBunny lines are horizontal wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. They appear when the nose is scrunched or certain facial expressions are made. While they are harmless, some people seek treatments like Botox to reduce their appearance.

These lines resemble the twitching or scrunching of a rabbit’s nose, which is where the term “bunny lines” comes from.

How does Botox help bunny lines?

Botox helps bunny lines by temporarily relaxing the nasalis muscles in the area of the bridge of the nose. The relaxed muscles create a smoother and more youthful look by reducing the creasing of skin. The effects of Botox typically last for several months before gradually wearing off, at which point further treatment may be desired.

Are there any drawbacks to Botox treatment for bunny lines?

  1. The results will be mild and temporary. Once the effects wear off, the bunny lines may reappear, requiring repeat treatments to maintain the desired results.
  2. Treatments sometimes have limited impact on dynamic lines: Bunny lines are typically formed by the contraction of certain facial muscles during expressions. We treat only the nasalis muscle (see illustration above), because treating other nearby muscles, intentional or not, would adversely affect expression.