You are a testament of life’s story, cherished and bold. Yet, on your forehead, they need not be told.

Why should I consider BOTOX® Cosmetic for forehead lines?

Horizontal forehead lines are subtle reminders of time, stress, and a life rich in expressions. They need not etch themselves permanently on your face. When you are stressed or animated, your forehead muscle (frontalis) contracts. As it lifts the skin upwards, it creases the skin. Over time, those creases cannot heal because of the repeated muscle movement. Instead, those creases get deeper.

Reveal your smoothest, most radiant self yet. Don’t allow forehead lines to overshadow your beauty and self-confidence. Our commitment to personalized care ensures we comprehend your aesthetic goals, answer all your queries, and curate a treatment plan tailored specifically for you.

This is an actual patient of Dr. Lum. Left photo (before treatment); Right photo (weeks after treatment). Patient was in repose (at rest).

BOTOX for forehead lines FAQ

Q: How many units of Botox for horizontal forehead lines?

6 to 20 Units. 20 Units is the on-indication FDA-approved dosage. Although some male patients with large foreheads and strong muscles may need much more than 20 Units, Dr. Lum typically treats the forehead with conservative doses.

Q: Why does Dr. Lum treat the forehead conservatively?

  • There is a fine balance between reducing the lines and preserving expression.
  • Dr. Lum wants you to look as natural as possible.
  • Freezing the forehead may make the brows and eyelids feel heavy, especially if:
    • the eyelids are hooded and already saggy,
    • the treated forehead lines are too close to the eyebrows (less than 2 cm).

Q: Why might I need fewer or more units in the forehead?

Not everyone’s facial muscles and skin quality are the same. For this reason, “cookie-cutter template approaches” are simply guidelines. As injectors, we must always remember, we are treating you—the person in front of us—not some preconceived recommendation.

Q: How much is Botox treatment for forehead lines?

Somewhere between $72 to $240 per treatment. There are always exceptions.

Q: Will Botox erase my forehead wrinkles?

Botox may smooth your lines at rest (see the photo examples above). However, you will see the biggest difference when you actively try to crease your skin. Botox is not considered a “line-eraser.”

Q: Are there other alternatives to Botox Cosmetic for horizontal forehead lines?

Although we currently have 5 FDA-approved botulinum toxin products approved for cosmetic use, Botox Cosmetic is the only neuromodulator that has the forehead lines indication to date.

Contact us today at Lumier Medical and schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Michael Lum. Together, let’s embark on your journey towards rejuvenation.