If you are unhappy with a downturned mouth, Botox may slightly lift the corners of your lips.

How does BOTOX for mouth frowns work?

The DAO muscles, also known as the depressor anguli oris muscles, are located around the mouth. See the purple highlighted DAO muscle on the face illustration. These muscles pull down the corners of the mouth, making it look like a frown. Some people have overactive DAO muscles that cause a permanent or persistent frown.

By injecting Botox into these muscles, it stops them from contracting and pulling down the mouth, giving a more relaxed and pleasant appearance. The effects of Botox are temporary and repeat treatments are needed to maintain the results.

botox for mouth frowns

This is an actual patient of Dr. Lum who is trying to frown in both photos. Left photo was before Botox. Right photo was a few weeks later.

What are some limitations of Botox for mouth frowns?

  1. Not everyone’s lip corners are turned downward. In such cases, the lip corners may turn up significantly.
  2. Botox treatment for DAOs will not remove puppet lines, also known as marionette lines or chin shadows. Filler treatment would be more appropriate in most cases.
  3. The results will be temporary.
  4. The injector needs to be very careful not to treat unintended muscles around the mouth with Botox. Doing so can make the mouth look asymmetrical, especially with active smiling.